Monday, 24 March 2014

Little Blossom

This little blossom tree flowers every year around mid to late March. I love seeing it in bloom as it adds lovely vibrant pink colours to the garden. The flowers only last on average about ten days before the winds knock the delicate petals off the branches, but it's something I look forward to every year. It always fills me with joy when I see it flower.

Photographed with the Fuji X100 shooting towards the sun, I wanted to show the flowers against the bright sky as this is how I always see the tree when looking out of the window or standing on the patio. I overexposed the image by 1.3 E.V. to ensure the tree wasn't silhouetted against the sky. This 'blew out' the background giving the photograph a slightly dreamy effect. I'm now going away for five days and by the time I return I suspect the flowers will have all but gone, but I know it will be something I look forward to again early next Spring.

Pink Blossom photographed with a Fuji X100
Pink Blossom

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